Micro resolutions — Strategy to build life-changing habits

3 min readJan 11, 2021

The research published in the British Journal of General Practice indicates that ‘small changes’ can increase self-efficacy.

Photo by Luke Porter on Unsplash

I always had challenges in meeting the resolutions that I make. But a simple idea is changing all this and this time around I am doing better. How?

I make micro resolutions!

Small, Flexible and Measurable commitments.

This is mine before and after list.

Before: Walk/Run every morning for half an hour

After: Walk/Run for 5 mins any time of the day.

If you see there is a small difference but that's what makes all the difference. Reduced time commitment with the flexibility to do it anytime. The purpose is really to show up and be consistent first. And small resolutions helps in getting the momentum for big ones.

I realized that evening worked better for me than the morning. Many times though if I am working long hours and couldn’t make it in the evening then I go for a brisk walk right after dinner. Again, the idea is to show up first consistently.

Before: Write a tech blog in front end technologies every month.

After: Write notes and drafts on my learning. every weekend

I am a front-end engineer and for the last few years, I make resolutions on writing blogs on front-end technologies. If you will visit my medium space you will see one article every year. As you can see monthly tech article commitment didn’t work.

But since I made a micro resolution I actually published three articles in the last 4 weeks. The reason is simple. I write about what I love and document my learning in some form. This article was started in a notes app where I keep my learning and ideas and once it reaches a decent shape I move it to medium drafts and keep refining during weekends.

When you fulfill small resolutions you feel accomplished and your unconscious mind gains power. In Indian philosophy, there is a profound concept known as Sankalp Shakti.

Sankalp or resolve, is a belief and promise to yourself that I can and will do it no matter what.

Shakti, the power, you will get when you fulfill a promise.

In essence, Sankalp Shakti is the tool to drive inner transformation. By cultivating this and meeting your everyday small vows, your inner transformation kicks off and you will see its fruition when you confidently and successfully achieve the big ones.

Sankalp Shakti is a vast topic and I will probably write a separate article just for that.

Another example of a resolution that I have been struggling with for years.

Before: Wake up early morning.

After: Wake up early morning for one min.

I am a late riser and have been trying to change my habit for a very long time. For quite some time now, I see major improvements and hope to get over it soon. So what to do if you are in the same boat.

Keep your alarm phone/clock a few feet away from the bed. Set alarm for only one time (no multiple reminder alarms). The goal is to wake up, walk to the phone/clock, stop the alarm, wait for a minute, and decide to either go back to bed or start your day. That’s it.

The one minute is what changes everything. Somedays it will push you to get going and that’s what will be the beginning of a better morning and getting into the habit.

Overall, your micro resolutions should capture the essence of the habit you want to cultivate, and every time you accomplish them you gain the power of resolve.

Try micro resolution! and let me know about your journey.





Striving to become my better self. I write on well researched thought provoking topics.